North Harris Montgomery County Chapter of AACN

Moral Distress Research Study Survey Participation

Posted about 8 years ago by Miranda Kelly

Good morning, I am in year 4 of my doctoral journey at The University of Texas at Tyler. I am at the data collection stage and need the help of adult critical care nurses. I humbly request that you participate or recruit participants for my Moral Distress research study titled, "Moral Distress, Leadership Integrity, Ethical Climate, and Turnover Intent in Critical-Care Nurses." The purpose of this study is to explore relationships between the levels of moral distress experienced by critical nurses and the likelihood of a nurse leaving a position. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete and is totally anonymous.

The survey can be accessed by AACN members only via the Critical Care eNewsline dated February 4th. The link will run over the next 4 weeks. Click Here for the survey.

P.S. I am raffling an I-pad mini 2 and Kindle fire for those that chose to participate post survey completion.

Desha Johnson Makiya